Watermelon is the sweet berry of Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus plants. Both the green-white rind and pink, red, or yellow flesh are edible; watermelons may be seedless or retain black seeds.
Watermelons are on average 6% sugar and 91% water, with small amounts of protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Watermelon is an source of vitamin C and amino acid citrulline which is converted to arginine. Watermelon is rich in carotenoids and lycopene and consumption increases plasma concentrations of these compounds in humans. Watermelon powder supplements have shown ability to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients, however the small quantity of powder was equivalent to consuming over 15 pounds of watermelon a week. See: Arginine, Carotenoids, Lycopene
Fruit juice blends, pre-cut, sold as is
The Journal of Nutrition Nutrition American Journal of Hypertension