
Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil is a packaging term used to indicate that plant-based oils have been hydrogenated and used in the product. Typical sources under this umbrella term are soybean, corn, canola, cottonseed, sunflower, and safflower.

Health considerations

The potential health effects associated with whatever individual oil are overshadowed by the hydrogenation process. This alters the fatty acid structure, generating saturated fats, and may introduce trans fats. See: vegetable oil, hydrogenation, trans fats

Keep in mind

Hydrogenation is used to alter the structure of the unsaturated fats in the oils to become saturated so they are more rigid, and thus more shelf-stable and longer lasting. Trans fats are highly likely to be present in partially hydrogenated oil and possibly in hydrogenated oil.

May be found in

Margarine, processed foods, snack foods, cakes, cookies, icings, peanut butter, fried foods


CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The Mayo Clinic Diet

Alternative Spellings and Names

vegetable oil, hydrogenation, trans fats

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