
Thiocyanates (SCNs) are a group of molecules formed as a result of glucosinolate hydrolysis. See: Glucosinolates.

Health considerations

Thiocyanates compete with iodine and can inhibit iodine uptake by the thyroid gland. SCNs improve outcomes of individuals with sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell anemia is more common in persons with African heritage. African staples of cassava and African yam are less common in the African-American diet, which may reduce intake of beneficial SCNs.

Keep in mind

Hypothyroidal or iodine-deficient persons should take note of thiocyanates’ ability to interfere with iodine uptake.

May be found in

African yam, cassava, millet, buckwheat, lima beans, cabbage, cauliflower, plantain, broccoli, chickpeas, sorghum


Journal of National Medical Association
National Product Reports
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health

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