
Spelt is a species of wheat that has been grown for thousands of years, though is currently a less-popular alternative to wheat. Spelt is growing in popularity in North America and is a fairly common ingredient in Germany.

Health considerations

Spelt contains fewer antinutrients than wheat. It typically contains more potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and other trace elements as well as B vitamins than wheat. Compared to wheat spelt typically contains more total fat, more monounsaturated fat, and roughly the same quantity of essential amino acids.

Keep in mind

Spelt contains gluten and is a close relative of modern wheat, and therefore is unsuitable for celiacs and likely unsuitable for individuals with a wheat allergy.

May be found in

Bread, spelt bread, spelt pasta, European breads


Farming the Northwest Series: Spelt for Human Health and Nutrition
Food Chemistry
ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria
Journal of Cereal Science
Wiley Online Library

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